Orly Campbell graduated with a B.A., emphasis in Vocal Arts at California State University of Northridge in 2006. Prior to Orly beginning her journey at the Academy for Jewish Religion California (AJRCA) she was already a year into her most prideful job, being a new mom. She had no clue how she could attend a master’s seminary and raise a baby, let alone 4 children.
Orly spent the last 6 years raising her kids and discovering her true love for hazzanut. She has worked in many different temples including Temple Ramat Zion, Stephen Wise, Beth Shir Shalom, Desert Outreach Synagogue, Temple Judea, Temple Akiba and Temple Beth David, where Orly served as the Cantor for the past 3 years.
Cantor Orly was ordained and received her Master’s Degree from the Academy for Jewish Religion in May 2019. She will continue sharing her love, passion and voice in hopes of elevating a congregant’s experience for services.
On April 17 at Temple Sinai in Los Angeles, Cantor Orly Campbell led the congregation in singing Adon Olam on a Sisterhood Shabbat.
Enjoy, and Shabbat shalom!