Rosh Hashanah is only two weeks away, and so we'll be sharing humor and music suited to the High Holidays between today and October 2.
Today we're sharing a comedy routine by Zehavit Rosenbloom, who posts humor under the name of Zeya Comedy.
Zehavit is a mom with seven children who is performing standup
comedy and recording videos for Jewish audiences.She has created many
Jewish characters including ultra religious Rebbetzins, secular
Israelis, and El Al representatives who put passengers through intensive
interrogations before letting them board planes.
In this sketch she impersonates the following types of characters that you're likely to encounter during this High Holiday period:
-The one who talks about donations
- The calendar fanatic
- The one who's all about doom
- The one who's all about peace and love
- The one who tries to be nice before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
- The Baal Teshuva
- The one who prays for food
- The one who's all about the tablescape
- The one who only cares about the food
- The blamer
- The one who says "This is the year"